Sunday, November 29, 2009


So what are you doing to go green?

I'm not a fanatic, and I don't think the world is going to end tomorrow if I keep burning gas and forget to recycle my cans but I also don't see any reason for all the waste that we have and I really like the idea of recycling and reusing or repurposing old things.

Here is what I'm doing and I'm just curious to see what, if anything you're doing.

1. I recycle here in Seabrook, the trash guys pick up cans, bottles and that stuff once a week and we take in newspapers and boxes to the recycle bin at the library.

2. We use reusable grocery bags. I like that we get to reuse them but I am also tired of collecting all those plastic grocery bags.

3. Since we remodeled the house we are much more energy efficient here, double pane windows and a 16 seer AC unit.

4. We are switching to CFL bulbs when the old ones burn out. There are a few places that the old standard bulbs are staying though because the CFLs don't fit inside the globe.

5. I bought an electric weed eater when the old gas one called it quits, it is a Ryobi cordless model. It works fine for my rather small yard but I would not recommend it for anything much bigger. It just does not have that much power.

6. The wife carpools to work, I'm pretty sure that the fact that she saves money and she gets to nap on the way to work means more to her than the environmental impact but who cares, it still counts.


Buck said...

okay I'm game....let's see what do I do.

I recycle glass, aluminum, some plastics, paper and we take our cardboard to San Marcos. I compost all food scraps and use that to fertilize my gardens and fruit trees. Between recycling and composting it's amazing to see how much little trash a family actually produces. We moved to Kyle which puts us about two miles from the school we work at. That was huge when gas went to $4. I tried a push mower, but those things lose their edge so quick it was real hard to keep that up. I have an electric mower and cordless electric weedeater. I always feel like I am vacuuming my lawn with that long cord. We started growing more foods at home to eat local in season food which cuts down on how far some of this food is coming from. A strawberry from Brazil??? (do I need a strawberry that bad?) I brew my own beer because it's fun but it also reduces the footprint. Anyway that's some. if I think of more I'll update.

cjm said...

I work from home. Recycle pretty much everything you and Buck do. (And I agree with him, we make MUCH less trash now.) We mulch. We've grown some of our own veggies and herbs. Use those reusable bags. Rarely run the A/C or heater (you know, unless we're going to die). Also making the CFL bulb transition. Try to reuse/repurpose things. Donate items instead of getting rid of things.

We tried to be a little green with the wedding. Didn't have inner invitation envelopes, repurposed fallen trees from the hurricane, used people's fallen fencing for signs, had local rum for favors, mulched my bouquet and the centerpieces after we were finished enjoying them.